Deutsch - Podcasts for breaking new grounds is for those who are open to breaking new grounds - in communications, marketing or even at the foundation of their company. In 3 supplementing formats you'll find thought-provoking impulses, trends, and specific guides to action to shape your on path. 

  • transformer: The Personality Talk about Transformation, Inspiration and new Thinking
  • trending: The Social Media Talk with Stephan Roebbeln and Ingo Stoll
  • topic: The Subject-Feature about Communication and new Marketing 

All podcasts are produced by neuwaerts - specialists for change communication from Hanover.



Episodes in english and german

With transformer we develop further what we started with We talk to national and international guests about their ideas, experiences an insights (and sometimes even their failures).

What's new is our focus on transformation, new impulses and new thinking. In extensive one-on-one debates, we introduce you to people who try new things and initiate change processes. Usually these interviews will go on for more than half an hour so we can dive deep into our topics and get some new perspectives. 



Episodes in german

In trending we'll keep you up to date with the latest news and trends in Social Media and analyze their impact on Marketing. We will focus on the german market and reflect on what changes in the US-networks mean for us in Germany. Besides, there's practical tips, tools and recommendations in our "pick of the week" category.


Episodes in german topic runs on an intermittent schedule: We report from events and conferences we attend or discuss topics we find especially noteworthy. We invite various guests to dive deep into the subject matters and analyze them intensively with a small group of experts.